Well that was fast, especially for a governmental agency.
On Monday the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced it would allow the import of hunter-harvested wild birds from Canada.
The statement came just 10 days after the agency said the opposite.
No one in the conservation world was complaining about the flip-flop, however.
“We appreciate USDA’s willingness to hear the concerns from DU and revise this rule in a practical and scientific manner,” said Adam Putnam, CEO of Ducks Unlimited. “This revision is not only a win for American waterfowlers but also for the application of sound science."
Delta Waterfowl called Monday's announcement "great news" for American waterfowl hunters in Canada and those with plans to hunt there later this year.
"We sincerely thank APHIS for reconsidering the restrictions and for doing it so quickly," said John Devney, chief policy officer at Delta Waterfowl. "It definitely puts optimism back into the hearts of hunters looking forward to hunting ducks and geese in Canada this fall following what promises to have been an outstanding summer of duck production."
The mood in the waterfowling community was characterized by shock and disbelief after the Sept. 2 announcement.
Ducks Unlimited and Delta Waterfowl were among conservation organizations that issued letters of protest to USDA APHIS administrator Kevin Shea about the change and request immediate reconsideration of the decision.
At issue was concern over transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), the virus that this year in the U.S. has killed about 44 million domestic birds in 429 flocks and untold legions of wild birds.
Avian influenza spreads quickly through direct, bird-to-bird contact, according to the USDA. It also can spread to birds via contaminated surfaces and materials, including people’s clothing, shoes or hands.
More:'Catastrophic' avian flu devastates endangered tern colonies in Door County
More:Feathered jewels on a spinning chandelier: White pelicans have made an astonishing recovery in Wisconsin
All parties agree the disease is very serious. But the conservation groups and hunters contended there was low to no risk of HPAI transmission from hunter-killed birds to commercial flocks in the U.S.
And to be denied the import of meat from hunts north of the border would have prevented traveling hunters from sharing and enjoying cherished meals of duck and goose at their homes.
To its credit, APHIS responded quickly to complaints. Late last week it had two virtual sessions with DU officials and scientists, said Mike Brasher, DU senior waterfowl scientist.
"Both meetings went much longer than the originally scheduled time, which tells you about their interest and sincerity in addressing the issue," Brasher said.
Brasher said DU presented data to APHIS, including from David Stallknecht, a University of Georgia professor who works in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, which showed the highest HPAI virus loads were in the brain and viscera.
The conversations resulted in Monday's announcement in which APHIS said it had been "working with stakeholders and other federal agencies to provide options for importing hunter-harvested wild bird meat/carcasses that address the HPAI transmission risk to our domestic poultry."
Effective Monday, APHIS said it would allow the import of hunter harvested wild bird meat and/or carcasses under the following conditions:
• Viscera, head, neck, feet, skin and one wing have been removed;
• Feathers have been removed, with the exception of one wing – as required by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) for species identification;
• Carcasses must be rinsed in fresh, clean, potable water prior to packaging and must not have visible evidence of contamination with dirt, blood or feces; and
• Carcasses must be imported in leak-proof plastic packaging and stored in a leak-proof cooler or container during transport and import; and
• Carcasses must be chilled or frozen during transport and import.
APHIS further recommends that boots and any equipment used to process the carcasses should be clean and visibly free from dirt, blood, tissue and feces.
The quick reversal sets a positive example of policy makers willing to listen and change course if supported by data and common sense.
“We certainly understand and appreciate the importance of limiting the spread of HPAI in the U.S.,” said DU's Brasher. “DU will use this opportunity to communicate with waterfowl hunters about these new import restrictions and USDA APHIS voluntary guidelines that will provide additional safeguards against the spread of HPAI this fall and winter.”
It also provides an educational opportunity for waterfowlers - the vast majority who stay in the U.S. - to learn about best practices when handling game birds.
Toward that end, APHIS offers the following recommendations to waterfowl hunters and others who may handle wild birds.
• Do not harvest or handle wild birds that are obviously sick or found dead.
• Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after handling game. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Always wear disposable gloves when handling or cleaning game and wash hands with soap and water immediately afterward. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Dress game birds in the field whenever possible.
• If you can’t dress birds in the field, clean them in a location away from poultry and other birds.
• Keep a separate pair of shoes to wear only in your game cleaning area. If this is not possible, wear rubber footwear and clean and disinfect your shoes before entering or leaving the area.
• Use dedicated tools for cleaning game, whether in the field or at home. Do not use those tools around poultry or pet birds.
• Double bag the offal and feathers. Tie the inner bag, take off your gloves, and leave them in the outer bag before tying it closed. Then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.