Hollywood on the Hudson. Are you familiar with that expression? It’s what some people now call the Hudson Valley, and for good reason. Over the past few years, the Hudson Valley has become one of the most popular places to film movies. We have tons of great little towns, mountain and river views, and we’re close to New York City.
It’s not unusual these days to see movie stars on the streets of the Hudson Valley. Some are filming here and others have actually moved here. Yeah, I think Hollywood on the Hudson fits these days. So, it makes sense that the Hudson Valley would be home to one or two big film festivals. There are two very cool film festivals hitting the Hudson Valley in the next few weeks.
The Sugarloaf Film Festival celebrates film making in New York State, New York City, and the Hudson Valley. The festival is actually on Friday, Sept. 23 and Saturday, Sept. 24, but you can be part of the free grand opening celebration on Thursday, Sept. 22 at 11AM, and no tickets are even required. Believe it or not, that means free access to all film screenings, Q&A sessions, and panel discussions, a comedy performance, free lunch and dinner, and a free concert by The Nerds. For more information about the Suagarloaf Film Festival, visit the Sugarloaf Performing Arts Center website.
One of the most popular and longest running Hudson Valley Film Festivals is the Woodstock Film Festival, and that’s coming up from Wednesday, Sept. 28 through Sunday, Oct.2. This is always an exciting festival with workshops, labs, seminars, lectures, screenings, special guest appearances and so much more. The festival, one of the most respected in the country, takes place at various venues throughout Ulster County including Woodstock, Saugerties, Rosendale, and Kingston. For more information and tickets, visit the Woodstock Film Festival website.