I am ticked off at the cartoon “Half Full,” in the Sunday funny pages. It should be titled “Empty.” It’s empty of jokes, empty of artistic talent and a waist of ink.
To the tire shopper: Well for gosh sakes, at 65 this should not be your first rodeo and you should have enough experience to know to buy tire hazard when you buy new tires if that is something you want to have covered. I’m so ticked off at people giving the age of 65 or 70 as though that is a handicap and you’re some senile elderly person who is being taken advantage of. You should simply be a wiser, more capable person and if senility has hit then you shouldn’t be driving anyway.
The government insists there will not be a tax increase for those making less than $400,000. However, with the enormous proposed increase in IRS employees to perform “audits” I guarantee there will be tremendous increase in fines and penalties because we taxpayers couldn’t obtain filing assistance!
I am ticked off at this anti-popcorn ceiling movement. Don’t people realize that it vastly improves interior acoustics, provides texture, and hides imperfections like cracks and chips in the paint? I support name change to “cottage cheese fifth wall” though.
My worse experience today: Ordering a kitchen sink on the internet. It was time consuming for several reasons. I wish that stores had a kiosk in the stores where ordering could be done and help is available. Also, it seems that companies do not recognize that not everyone in the world has the skills, a computer or internet access. Another example, our electrical service was down for almost a week at a cottage We needed several products. Impossible to order anything by phone at the time! Most companies do not have published phone numbers either!
To a great organization, Canine Companions in Ocoee. I have been privileged to be acquainted with this fine organization and its dedicated staff and volunteers. Everyone devotes countless hours to help provide service dogs to needed persons throughout the country. These people are true heroes.