Tabby cat Miu believed to weigh 3st 2lb found in Nam Dinh, Vietnam | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-22 20:23:32 By : Mr. Tom Deng

By Jennifer Newton for MailOnline

Published: 06:59 EDT, 25 November 2015 | Updated: 12:50 EDT, 25 November 2015

A cat found in Vietnam who is believed to tip the scales at more than three stone could be the world's fattest.

Miu, who is thought to weight three stone two pounds, lives in Nam Dinh with his owner 75-year-old Tran Thi Nga.

She bought him 10 years ago as a normal sized kitten after she fell in love with his glossy black and white fur.

Miu, a cat discovered as a pet in Vietnam, who is thought to tip the scales at more than three stone 

If Miu's weight is confirmed he would be named as the world's fattest cat overtaking German cat Elvis 

Miu with his owner Tran Thi Nga, who brought him home 10 years ago as a normal sized kitten and watched his weight balloon 

But what marked Miu out from other cats was his astonishing ability to eat.

Nga said: 'I was surprised to see how fast he grew. There was one month where he gained nearly a kilogram (2.2 pounds).

By the time Miu reached over two stone, he had become a local celebrity with admirers coming to the house to visit him.

Nga's daughter-in-law, Nguyen Thi Thuy, said: 'He has very good manners. He never steals food and has very good toilet habits.

By the time Miu reached over two stone, he had become a local celebrity with admirers coming to the house to visit him

Miu next to a normal sized cat for comparison. Despite his large size, he can still run around, catch rodents and jump up the stairs 

'He loves his milk and likes to take a bath. Although he's big, he can move easily.

'He even catches rats and jumps up the stairs.'

But Nga has turned down many offers from people trying to buy Miu.

Many people have tried to buy Miu, but Nga has refused all offers from others and regards him as her child 

She added: 'He is like a friend, or a son, or a grandson of mine.'

The current world record for the heaviest cat is currently held by German pet Elvis who weighs in at just over two stone.

But if Miu's weight is officially confirmed, he would automatically become the world's fattest cat.

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