CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — Don’t let erectile dysfunction or incontinence rob you of the quality of life you deserve. Best of Southern Utah winner Prolong Medical Center offers lasting solutions for intimate health concerns affecting both men and women.
Prolong Medical Center offers a multifaceted approach to health and wellness by providing advanced procedures that treat the root causes of various conditions, not just the symptoms. The clinic’s highly trained staff helps patients choose the optimal treatment plan for life-changing results.
Best of Southern Utah voters recently awarded Prolong Medical Center a gold ribbon in the men’s health category for the second consecutive year along with gold in urinary incontinence, which clinic manager Neal Nowland said speaks to the patient experience they strive to create. The staff is committed to helping every patient feel better and achieve a higher quality of life.
“Your health is the most important thing you have,” Nowland said. “What are you waiting for?”
Erectile dysfunction affects approximately 30 million men nationwide. Although more prevalent in the aging population, it isn’t exclusively an older man’s problem. Men of all ages might notice that their sexual performance isn’t what it used to be.
Prolong Medical Center patients are experiencing unprecedented long-term results with a nonsurgical and noninvasive solution that harnesses the power of the body’s own healing agents. Acoustic wave therapy targets erectile dysfunction on the cellular level to facilitate natural, spontaneous erections whenever the time is right.
Many cases of erectile dysfunction are linked to diminished blood flow caused by plaque buildup in penile arteries and reduced capacity of existing blood vessels. The waves break apart buildup and scar tissue to restore blood flow along with stimulating vascular, stem cell and nitric oxide generation in the genitals.
Solving the problem of erectile dysfunction requires consistency and patience, and Prolong Medical Center maintains an 85% success rate in treating erectile dysfunction with acoustic wave therapy. The clinic defines “success” as the ability to achieve and sustain an erection.
“We work with each person as an individual to completely understand the medical reason for their erectile dysfunction,” Nowland said. “We really get to know our patients on a level that other clinics don’t.”
Experienced by more than 25 million Americans, incontinence is both a common affliction and a valid medical concern, and its prevalence only increases with age. Although more common in women over 50, it also affects men. A weakened pelvic floor is the root cause of this bothersome and often embarrassing issue.
“We get just as many husbands in here as we do wives,” Nowland said. “In fact, many of the people we’ve treated so far are couples coming in together. They feel comfortable together, and both understand that each is suffering from similar issues.”
Prolong Medical Center has revolutionized treatment for incontinence in Southern Utah by offering Emsella, a unique technology that provides a completely noninvasive option. During treatment, patients sit comfortably and fully clothed on a chair that utilizes high-intensity, focused electromagnetic energy to quickly deliver thousands of supramaximal muscle contractions to the pelvic floor.
Similar to Kegel exercises, these contractions restrengthen the muscles to better support the bladder. In just 28 minutes, the body will experience up to 11,200 contractions. This causes the pelvic floor to lift, which means better muscle control – and no more pads or briefs.
Emsella is FDA-approved and completely painless; patients may resume daily activities immediately afterward. In clinical trials, 95% of users experienced significant reduction in incontinence episodes after just six sessions over three weeks, plus periodic follow-up treatments.
Prolong Medical Center is dedicated to meeting each patient where they are and will perform as many sessions as necessary to solve their erectile dysfunction or incontinence issues. The clinic also offers 12 months’ same-as-cash financing and convenient appointment times to fit every patient’s schedule.
With a highly personalized and discreet approach to intimate health concerns, it’s no surprise Prolong Medical Center has been recognized by Southern Utahns as the gold standard in treating erectile dysfunction and incontinence.
“We don’t give up,” Nowland said. “Come in for a free assessment and get your love life back on track.”
Schedule a consultation today to see the difference Prolong Medical Center can make in your life. For more information, call 435-375-5000.
Written by ALEXA MORGAN for St. George News.
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