Douglas County’s Board of Commissioners have announced that county government is partnering with the Oregon Building Codes Division to launch a grant program to help the owners of homes and businesses rebuild after the 2020 Archie Creek Fire east of Glide.
A release said people who own a home – including a manufactured home – or business that was damaged or destroyed by the fire can receive money for using more fire-resistant methods and materials when they rebuild. The release said those who have started the process to rebuild or have completed their rebuilding efforts can also quality.
Commissioner Tom Kress said, “We continue to make it a priority to find ways to help out residents and businesses impacted by the 2020 Archie Creek Wildfire to successfully begin or add to their rebuilding efforts”. Kress said this latest grant offers an opportunity for these home and business owners to add a few layers of extra protection to help against the threat of future wildfire destruction.
The release said “fire hardening” is an important tool to make homes more resistant to fire. Fire hardening includes actions that can be taken to make a home or business more resistant to damage from a wildfire. That includes using materials for siding and roofing that resist ignition during a wildfire, installing fire-resistant windows to protect openings, or using attic ventilation devices that help reduce ember intrusion.
To qualify for the program, a person must own a home or business that was damaged in the 2020 Oregon wildfires. There is a menu of fire hardening improvements, including fire-resistant roofs, siding and windows that qualify for grant money. Once one or more qualifying improvements have been completed, an eligible applicant can receive grant money through the Douglas County Building Department.
To learn more and apply, go to: or contact the Douglas County Building Department at 440-4559.
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