Man arrested for attempted murder of ‘noisy’ patient in Hokkaido hospital - Japan Today

2022-09-09 20:36:16 By : Ms. Bella Hu

JapanToday Gleams Akihabara 703 2-8-16 Higashi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0031 Japan Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 Fax: +81 3 5829 5919 Email: ©2022 GPlusMedia Inc.

Police in Hakodate, Hokkaido, have arrested a 40-year-old male patient of a hospital on suspicion of attempting to kill another patient, a 52-year-old woman.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 9 p.m. on Sept 1. Local media reported that the man went into the adjacent room of the victim and strangled her. Staff were able to stop him, but the woman suffered a cervical sprain during the struggle, police said.

Police quoted the man as saying that woman was always noisy, making it hard for him to sleep. He said he just wanted to quieten her down, and denied intent to kill.

Hospital staff said the two had argued before.

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Just wanted to quiet her down by stopping her breathing.

He should have asked his doctor for sleeping pills instead.

Japanese are so sensitive to noise...

I would think loud megaphone announcements, on foot or by car, about sales, political campaigning or anything, counts as "from people".

If you ever stayed over night in an ICU in Japan, you’ll hear the most insane noises you’ve ever heard.

You’d think everyone was on drugs. it’s Near impossible to sleep there.

Man arrested for attempted murder of ‘noisy’ patient in Hokkaido hospital.

I totally get it. They should let him off with a caution.

Wonder what he'll do when people in prison are noisy.

What is it with Japanese and silence?? Seriously get over it, people male noise! Usually it means they are alive!

this guy should be locked up for a long time !

If you ever stayed over night in an ICU in Japan, you’ll hear the most insane noises you’ve ever heard.

> You’d think everyone was on drugs. it’s Near impossible to sleep there.

Hate to break the news to you but it is highly possible that the ICU in every country is the same.

Machines pumping, people in pain, difficulty breathing. Etc..

Been in the ICU in 3 countries, Canada, the USA and last November Japan.

Didn't see much difference except that the equipment today is far more modern since my last stint after a car accident in 1990 in the USA.

But noise, yelling patients in pain even the smell of adult diapers was pretty much the same.

Wonder what he'll do when people in prison are noisy.

He'll fly off the cuff and be barred.

When I was in the ICU, like most others I was on drugs and only semi-conscious.

Prisoners are not allowed to be noisy.

Perhaps it was a mental hospital ?

Too bad he didn't live where I do right at this minute where they are practicing taiko drums while my baby is trying to sleep!

There’s no better noise than ICU noise. It tells you that they just saved you, that you’re still alive , that you managed to wake up and that the machines are running and have power supply. I wouldn’t recommend that you ever hate the ICU noise.

The guy should ask for earplugs or headphones.

How about a movable sound partition on wheels . . . ?

. . . . How about a movable sound partition on wheels . . . ?

. . . With easy to clean surface to prevent spread of germs, virus, etc. . . .

Japan is one of the noisiest countries. The basement food hall of department stores, all the take care announcements on trains, buses. At election time, all that screaming from small trucks. Supermarket jingles, even the lights telling us when to cross, the list goes on

If they argued before, just move them to different rooms.

"Local media reported that the man strangled her."

"He said he just wanted to quieten her down, and denied intent to kill."

"attempting to kill another patient" in a hospital

its getting pretty bad when developed countries "hospitals" start having these issues. And don't compare it to the U.S cause we all know what could happen there, much more worse.

If you ever stayed over night in an ICU in Japan, you’ll hear the most insane noises you’ve ever heard.

I spent a week in ICU after a major surgery, and I don't recall ever hearing a damn thing. It was probably due to the fact that I was drugged up and kept in a near comatose state, so I wouldnt move around.

Can't say if my family heard anything insane, have to ask them directly.

However, in nearly 10 years of working in 3 hospitals, all with ICU units, I have ZERO idea what are are talking about when you state "insane" noises. Maybe you were at an asylum perhaps?

"attempting to kill another patient" in a hospital

its getting pretty bad when developed countries "hospitals" start having these issues. And don't compare it to the U.S cause we all know what could happen there, much more worse.

Actually, it happens more often than you would think, it just doesnt hit the news. I can not count how many times I have seen patients literally fighting with each other, while in wheel chairs, or others trying to knock the crap out of their room mates.

These "issues" have been around as long as there are hospitals I would bet, and it depends upon the hospital too. But it happens, it's just not reported all the time, that's all!

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