
2022-05-06 18:32:16 By : Ms. Dora Wang

A state of presence and support to all the activities that are characterised by design and excellence, know-how and savoir-faire.

Since 1979 the Brianza-based company Bonomi Pattini has been offering innovative solutions and materials for design and architecture, such as Viroc, Concreo and Conclad. After two years of intensive work begun in 1996, Valchromat, a panel made of wood fibres individually coloured using organic dyes and chemically bound together with a special resin, took shape in the research department of the Valbopan factory in Famalicão da Nazaré, Portugal. This innovative material allows to create three-dimensional works because it is easily milled, without breaking or crumbling. As Antonio Bagnolati, Group Special Products Manager, explains, “The panels can be cut, drilled and finished with normal woodworking tools. They can also be waxed and varnished without contraindications, thus bringing to life every designer's idea”. Valchromat is versatile, has high flexural strength, is non-toxic and water-repellent. It can also be used to cover and clad walls or floors, achieving acoustic insulation and thermal comfort. Recently, P2A Design architecture studio used it in the design of Silenzio Studio, a hypogeal recording studio on the third floor of a building in Milan, located between the areas of Bovisa and Scalo Farini, which once housed a mechanical industry. Light and dark grey fabrics were used for the production room, combined with black Valchromat elements designed to contain the variable temperature LED lighting system (2700-6500 Kelvin), which allows to match the space inside matched to the external lighting conditions.

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