Eurofighter Typhoons break sound barrier over Bristol Channel | UK | News |

2022-06-10 20:49:39 By : Ms. Green Liao

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The Eurofighter Typhoons were taking part in a Quick Reaction Alert intercept exercise which saw them race from their base at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire and speed across the Midlands. They flew over Coventry and Worcester at close to the speed of sound.

Bristol Live reports that the two jets then charted a course around Cardiff and headed for Devon, where they were tasked with intercepting another RAF plane, an Airbus refuelling jet.

The two Eurofighters touched the speed of sound across the Bristol Channel as they flew from South Wales to North Devon, sending a sonic boom into the atmosphere. They reached speeds of 590 knots at an altitude of 40,000ft - Mach 1 is achieved at that height when exceeding speeds of around 573 knots.

The two planes then staged a training exercise with other RAF planes and others from the French Airforce over Dartmoor, Bodmin Moor and the Truro area of Cornwall.

The RAF has a squadron of Eurofighter Typhoons on standby at locations in England and Scotland, and regularly practices QRA intercepts - Quick Reaction Alerts - as well as being scrambled to intercept an increasing number of Russian military planes that approach UK airspace.

Pictures of the exercise emerged online after the trio were captured roaring over the Peak District just a few hundred feet apart.

Grandfather Richard Bowring, 60, snapped the three planes as they zoomed over his head near Hathersage, Derbys. The retired telecommunications engineer and amateur photographer was taking snaps last Thursday (19/5) when he spotted the jets.

The Eurofighter Typhoon is a highly agile aircraft, designed to be a supremely effective dogfighter in combat.

The aircraft's name, Typhoon, was adopted in September 1998 and the first production contracts were also signed that year.

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