THE Meningie skate park will be on the agenda at an upcoming special meeting of the Coorong District Council, with the community invited to have their say.
Development approval of the skate park was issued by the Coorong Assessment Panel in July, but the addition of an acoustic barrier to shield residences from noise generated from the skate park must be included into the design, according to the Coorong council.
To continue to progress the project, Coorong District Council will meet on Thursday, September 1 to consider a revised budget that includes allowance for an acoustic barrier.
The community skate park project has been a collaborative effort, with $200,000 of Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program funding allocated along with a $120,000 council contribution and additional funds raised by the Meningie community.
The design and construction of a multi-use skate park facility in Meningie has been taking shape over the past two years and with the funding secured, the vision is set to become a reality.
An opportunity will be made available to community members or groups to make a deputation at the Special Council meeting on September 1 in relation to the skate park.
- Details: Deputation requests should be addressed to the Mayor and received in writing before midday on Thursday, 1 September 2022.
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