2022-03-12 06:09:50 By : Mr. Peter Yan

At every sort of measurement, Biden is leagues ahead of the former president.

I’ll state right off the bat that it is possible that everything “The Smartest Man in the Phone Booth” wrote in his column (“Bin Laden know Biden would be a failure — why didn’t voters?” published Feb. 9) is true, even though a considerable amount of the things he blames Biden for are beyond his control. Higher gas prices, for example, are something that a president can’t do much about — sure, he could release some of our strategic reserve but we don’t really have that big a stockpile of gasoline to make much difference and historically, while it is painful for many, high gas prices in Europe (ever since I was stationed there in the late sixties) drove those countries to develop alternate means of transportation, such as high-speed mass transit, bicycles and other means of personal mobility.

I have to assume, since he thinks Biden is doing such a horrific job, that he would have preferred Trump was reelected, so let’s take a look at his integrity, honesty and cognition.

First, let’s start off with his school records to compare to Biden’s; oh, that’s right, he refused to let those be released. We do have some insight into that, though, as one of his professors at Wharton allegedly said that Trump was the dumbest student he ever had — guess we’ll have to go with that.

How about integrity? Well, to start off with, before he was elected he bragged about grabbing women by the p****y and just started to kiss them because when you’re a celebrity, you can do whatever you want. He also paid off Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about having sex with him while his wife was recovering from her pregnancy, cheated on his first wife with his second wife, and cheated on his second wife with his current wife. And, of course, there are the sixteen accusations of sexual assault lodged against him, some of which are going to court.

There are his failed businesses, including several bankruptcies where he stiffed investors, suppliers and contractors, and had to pay students of his phony Trump University $25 million. He was also fined $2 million for using money from some of his charities for personal use. While he was in office he told over 30,000 lies or mistruths, played more golf in four years than many other presidents did in eight, even though he said before he was elected he wouldn’t have time to play golf at all.

Finally, cognition: he actually took a cognition test while he was in office and bragged about acing it as if it was in intelligence test. But let’s take a look at some of the English language he murdered over the years — covfefe for coffee, hamberder for hamburger, peach for peace, and unpresidented for unprecedented, just to name a few.

As far as the press goes, he called any press that reported what he actually said or did “fake news.” And his approval rating started out at 45 percent, ended at 34 percent, and never got above 50 percent. Just sayin’.

At every sort of measurement, Biden is leagues ahead of the former president.

He’s a breath of fresh air.