Council approves further design work for possible roundabout -

2022-05-28 03:17:26 By : Ms. Sophia Ge

The Vestavia Hills City Council on May 23 approved $211,750 in design work for a proposed roundabout at the intersection of Sicard Hollow Road, Blue Lake Drive and Cahaba Heights Road.

Sain Associates will design the roundabout, which was suggested following an APPLE study. After the design work is completed, the city will be able to send the project out for bid. The roundabout has been refined to include single-lanes and one right turn lane.

The roundabout was suggested due to the skewed angle of the intersection and problems with sight distance, a representative with Sain said at the meeting. Most of the crashes at the intersection are curve or speed related, she said. Traffic volumes are expected to increase as the area is growing and will grow more with the forthcoming Bray development in Liberty Park. A roundabout slows traffic speeds and should reduce the number and severity of crashes, the representative said.

Raynor Boles with TCU Consulting gave a Community Spaces update to the council and said work on Crosshaven is continuing, with the project set for completion sometime this summer. Also due to open sometime this summer is the new Civic Center. Boles told the council pricing information on Wald Park Phase Three would be coming at the June 13 meeting.

In other business, the council rezoned 4538 Pine Tree Circle from low-density residential to a conditional business district, to allow the Pawms Pet Resort to expand to include an area for pet boarding and kennels. A representative with the resort said the business will have a high fence and use materials used by NASA to soundproof the area.

In his report to the council, City Manager Jeff Downes said the city will potentially serve as a pilot for Crown Castle, which is bringing a “unique” way to install fiber that does not involve going in front yards or digging deep trenches to get the job done. Crown Castle will have a remote presentation to the council on June 13, Downes said.

The council also voted to postpone debate on an ordinance which would establish a new zoning code for the city to the June 27 meeting.