Briefs: Election board certifies Johnstown recall

2022-09-16 20:36:32 By : Ms. Jenny Wong

NEWARK − The Licking County Board of Elections certified the results of the Aug. 30 Johnstown recall election on Monday, officially ending the terms of Mayor Chip Dutcher and Council President Marvin Block.

The final certified results of the Johnstown recall election show 76.5% (712 to 218) voted in favor of the recall of Block and 71.6% (663 to 263) voted in favor of the recall of Dutcher.

Absentee voting in the recall election was even more lopsided than the overall vote. Absentee voters supported the recall of Marvin Block by a 75-5 vote and the recall of Chip Dutcher by a 77-4 vote.

The Johnstown City Council has 30 days to appoint new council members, who will serve through the end of 2023. The winner of the November 2023 election will begin on council in January 2024.

The elections board dramatically reduced the cost to Johnstown of the special election. The cost, expected to be at least $15,000, was just $5,801.

The early date of the election cut $1,700 off the cost because there was one less week of early voting after hours at the elections board office. BOE Director Luke Burton, Deputy Director Brian Mead and the BOE staff substituted for poll workers, trouble shooters, machine delivery, machine preparation and other duties. The BOE staff saved Johnstown $13,395. The total cost would have been more than $19,000.

NEWARK − The public is invited to attend and make suggestions on how Licking County governments should spend the OneOhio opioid settlement funds.

The second of four meetings will be 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesday in Room A on the fourth floor of the Licking County Administration Building. The third meeting will be 5-6:30 p.m. Sept. 28 in Pataskala and the final meeting will be 5-6:30 p.m. Oct. 4 in Hanover.

Licking County has an advisory committee consisting of officials from the Licking County Health Department and Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities, a township trustee, a city representative, a county representative and a citizen.

Licking County Commissioner Tim Bubb said the county, cities, villages and townships may consider pooling their settlement resources.

The OneOhio settlement with national opioid distributors will provide an initial $8.6 million to governments throughout Ohio, then continue to make payments for 18 years. The OneOhio Recovery Foundation receives 55% of the funds, local governments 30% and state government 15%.

Ohio sued opioid makers and drug distributors for their role in flooding the market with massive amounts of highly addictive opioids. The settlement funds must be used for the abatement of the opioid epidemic, including intervention, treatment, education and recovery.

Material Investment, an art show curated by Brooklyn-based artist Leslie Roberts, opened Sept. 9 at The Bank located at 42 N. Third St. in downtown Newark. Each of the 11 artists featured is dedicated to particular materials, and each artist intently subverts or stretches those materials’ properties and typical forms. Each of them know what their component stuff wants to do, and they persuade it to do something else.

Vadis Turner melds ribbons and curtains into muscular forms. Lisha Bai casts striated "canvases" from colored sand. Mandy Cano Villalobos makes secular devotional artifacts from bundled household rags painted imitation gold. Alex Paik transforms bits of hand-colored paper into luminous, wall-spanning networks. Amanda Love tears discarded books down to spines that stand like sentinels. Kevin Umaña pieces together ceramic shards in relief-like hybrid paintings. Ruth Jeyaveeran stretches and rolls wool into delicate vessels. In images made of dyed paper pulp, Jeff Wallace turns reclaimed books into records of personal memory. Alisa Sikelianos-Carter fuses photos of braided hair into mystical "crowns" that inhabit a resplendent world of Black ancestral power. Tracey Goodman floods a room with plaster to create a scenario of ominous absurdity. Sean Desiree uses wood inlay, not on a tabletop, but to map the Bronx project where they grew up. With the proceeds from sales of related works, Desiree funded a grant to support artists living in public housing.

The exhibit can be viewed from Sept. 9-Oct. 16 on Fridays 5-7 p.m., Saturdays 1-3 p.m. and by appointment by calling 773-456-1261.

On June 24 the Board of Directors for the Coshocton-Fairfield-Licking-Perry Solid Waste District adopted a resolution of preliminary designation that included a list of solid waste facilities that will designated to receive municipal solid waste from the district. The actual resolution with the list of designated facilities is posted on the district's website at and at the district office, located at 675 Price Road, Newark, Ohio.

The public comment period begins Sept. 15 and ends Oct. 15.

The designation will not result in any change of district fees for CFLP residents or businesses that send their waste to in-district landfills. Waste hauled to any other facility will be charged a designation fee of $2 per ton following an approved application for a designation waiver. Designation is scheduled to become effective Jan. 1, 2023.

The Career And Technology Education Centers of Licking County is pleased to invite the local community to its annual Community Open House and Job Fair on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022. The event runs from 5:30-7:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. During the event you can visit labs and classrooms, meet instructors, as well as many of C-TEC's business and industry partners who will be on hand to help you get a feel for the dynamic approach to education and workforce development available in central Ohio.

C-TEC is proud and excited to invite the community inside the doors and prospective students, current students, alumni, and community members will find much to enjoy this evening.

Special aspects of the event include a Job Fair featuring 24 local employers for those looking for employment, food trucks, door prizes and more.